Monday, December 5, 2011

Stephanie Dulany

My Vision Statement:
There are things that I want in life, things that make me happy, things that I do well, and even my weaknesses. My vision statement is going to explain my life in a couple of sentences, providing key qualities that make me as a person. I will begin with my weaknesses because we all have them. Mine include a few literal things such as writing and not being able to whistle, but with a few more personal things like not having much self-controlling, letting things get the best of me, and even procrastination. These are things that I need to look more closely into and figure out how to turn them into my strengths. Things that I do well include playing sports, especially dancing, drawing, and just caring about others. Everyone who is around me would say that I am a very lovable person and they can tell that I actually care. Things in life that make me happy include caring for others, especially my boyfriend. My boyfriend in general makes me happy, especially knowing that we may be getting engaged and married soon. One more thing that makes me happy are dogs. There is not a dog in the world that I could hate; it's just how I am. Things that I desire to have in life include wanting to travel, have a job that gives me great income AND that I love, and having a happy family. I never want to be divorced, and I want to have the world's best children. I want to be their soccer mom, take them to dance practice, help them with their homework, everything. All of these aspects make up who I am as a person, and, frankly, I am satisfied with them.

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